The above images are all unedited and taken by me personally over the years; instances of my dragon guardian, Ash, visiting me in person to let me know he’s around.
Celestial Dragon energies.

The two energies that come in from outside the Earth, are called Celestial Dragons. They are blue and yellow. The yellow energy is the energy of the sun, and the blue is the energy of water, which falls as rain. If you look at Meso-American temples, they often had different temples dedicated to these energies. Sometimes, atop one temple, would be two smaller temples, dedicated to the solar energies and the water energies, respectively. They work together, in the rain cycle.

Gold Dragons.
The Gold Dragon represents gold, money, abundance. It is the power of money and the wisdom to use its power wisely. You have to go through some interesting lessons before you are ready to work with the Gold Dragon energy! You will have had interesting life-long learning around it, possibly from the time of your birth and if you look over your past with this in mind, you might find that you have been training to deal with abundance all along.
Abundance lessons can involve having money, and not having it, or learning to give it away for the benefit of others. Money coming through the energies of the Gold Dragon is often to help you in your energy-work or others in theirs. You might be the person in a company or job who helps other people get a fairer deal with employers, or to get a step up in promotion. Gold Dragon workers have to learn to be generous and maintain balance with their own money.
Just as in the fairy stories, the Gold Dragon protects wealth, especially as it used to help others. It is not used for personal gain, but always in service to other people. Work with Golden Dragon Energis to learn lessons of power in abundance.
Red Dragon Energies.

The Red Dragon and Black Dragon energies are Earthy and run through the earth, like a pair. They are the earth pair, as opposed to the Celestial pair.
If you work with the red dragons, it will also teach you to focus less on what it happening in the world and more on what to want to happen in the world, even in your own world.
It is so easy to get caught up in events and dramas that use up valuable energy which will not change anything. All it does is make you feel stressed and powerless.
The red dragon reminds you that your mind/emotional/creation energies can be channeled into a reality of your choosing.
They remind you not to get up in angry discussions but to think about what you can do in the world, right now, to make it a better place. What gifts do you have that could help others? What path can you follow that will help others out of their darkness and caught-up-ness. It takes patience and self-control to stand back from the collective, but if you utilize the red dragon energy, you can steer yourself along a course of energy that is ultimately more useful to everyone. Be an island of peace and focus.
Black Dragons.
The Black Dragon energy is tricky!
If you do find yourself working with them, then you know you are capable of this deep work; you understand the darkness, which other people fear as evil.
Your own personal healing work will play a large part in this because you have to be able to plumb the depths of your own consciousness and behaviour. You have to learn how to know the difference between your own issues and those of the issues you are working with. The tricky part is that, because the energies you are working with often mirror your own unhealed issues, it can be difficult to tell them apart. But the black dragon energy wastes nothing, so you find that in healing that issue in yourself you are also healing it on behalf of humanity. This is also why you may find yourself in situations or places that are challenging to live in. Those places need your help and you are drawn to living there for both your own healing and the healing of others.
There are also many places where ‘negative’ energy remains as a result of past human behavior, and you are called to clear them too. Because you understand this ahead of time, you can remain separate enough and not get too caught up in identifying with the negative behavior which generated the energy in the first place. Understanding that every negative action provides a learning opportunity for humanity to learn to Love. Love is what keeps you whole and centered.
Green Dragons.

The Green Dragons are the energy of vegetation. They are very much associated with natural springs. You often find Green Dragon energy living in man-made buildings, which were often built on natural spring-sites, such as Winchester Cathedral and the Bishop’s Palace. It is as if they are saying: ‘do not forget us. We create the world of nature. Even in winter, when all is asleep, we keep the green of nature alive and fruitful.’
Male religious power over Sacredness is challenged by these energies. Those who work with these energies help maintain the fertility of spring-sites, making sure that these sacred places remain accessible to all, not just to the ones who are paying or who feel they have more right to access them than others. The Green Dragon energy is also a reminder not to forget the fertility of springs, which emerge from the Mother’s body to feed us. It is akin to the Green Man energy, the masculine energy of fertility in nature. If you look at the carvings in many cathedrals and churches you will see carvings of the Green Man and dragons.
White Dragon Energies.

White Dragons are higher inspiration and creative ideas. This inspiration can come through any form of art: music, writing, visual arts, drama, etc. The energies that come through with the White Dragon energies are very healing and are used to anchor higher artistic expression on the earth plane, for the healing and betterment of humanity. When one is going through healing and feels like emotional energy is stuck, a useful exercise is to imagine a white -dragon lemniscate (Infinity symbol) flowing through your body.

See it from above your head down the front, but inside your energy-field, crossing over at your hara, then moving down the back of your legs to to below your feet and back up again in the front of your body, crossing over at your hara, behind your navel to join the lemniscate. See it as a white, serpentine dragon flowing in this fashion until you feel you want to stop. Doing this will clear your field of energies that you have taken on, and might even make you want to create.
The White Dragon energies are associated with sites with a high creative energy. They come in ‘from above’, like the Luck Dragon in the Never-Ending Story. They are also accessible through warm, coral reefs which hold an abundance of beauty and colour.
All of these ‘dragon energies’ are symbolic of certain forces of nature. Working with them involves learning how to work with Nature, in both her positive and negative aspects. We don’t control these energies, just as we cannot really control nature, but our Soul knows how to read Nature and how to work with her forces.