Alainn Tarot’s library has outgrown this site. We are in the process of re-launching as Alainn Library.

Our online Store has been closed for the rollover. In the meantime, enjoy our historical articles and interactive Tarot. See you on the new site, darlings! 

Pink Tourmaline is the “St. John’s Wort” of Crystals.

I know I really know an element when I can correlate it all by myself to other elements. (vs learning on someone else’s chart). I just made myself a set of Pink Tourmaline earrings and pendant, and as soon as I put it on, I felt Empress Tarot Card love, St John’s Wort emotional healing. My Crown chakra tingles in the back, where I’ve never felt it before.

Pink Tourmaline is a stone of love, compassion, emotional healing and self love.

It helps calm ones emotions in times of distress, and is the perfect stone to carry if you suffer from daily bouts of anxiety.

This stone is such a strong healing stone due to it commonly being formed within Quartz masses. Quartz naturally amplifies any stone placed near it, I can confidently recommend Pink Tourmaline to anyone suffering from heavy emotional pain weighing on the heart.

For humans who have recently gone through a tragedy, heartbreak, loss of a loved one, or simply can’t kick that daily depression, Pink Tourmaline is the stone for you.

Try meditating with a piece over your heart and allow the healing energies to directly absorb into your heart space. Allow yourself to face whatever it is weighing on you and look for resolution.